Thursday, January 3, 2019

4th Quarter Review 2018!

I saw a quarterly stats review on both Geeky Zoo Girl and Curiosity Killed the Bookworm. I really like this idea so I'm going to do my own version!
It's the end of the year!! (Happy 2019, y'all)

Third Quarter Books(October-December)
Total Books: 12
Paperback/hardcover: 3 (25%)
Audiobooks: 9 (75%)
Total pages: 4,276
Yearly Total Books: 66
Own: 3 (25%)
Borrowed: 9 (75%)
Male Authors: 5 (41.6%)
Female Authors: 7 (58.4%)

I was in a serious reading slump this quarter; I started several books some that I liked but had to put down because I had to read others that I didn't really find all that interesting. I was just reading incredible slowly for some reason. The books I did finish, I gave an average star rating of 3.5 stars. I only DNF'd one book, (still working on some of the ones I had to put down.) There was one 5 star book: Wildcard by Marie Lu, but Dumplin' by Julie Murphy got me in the feels. It's a book I wish I had read in high school.

Genre breakdown
This quarter sci-fi and historical fiction were my top read genres. Though many of the historical fiction had elements of fantasy to them, they were manly historical. I even dropped a middle grade book into the mix.

Middle Grade: 1 (6.7%)
YA: 9 (60%)
Adult: 5 (33.3%)
Contemporary: 2 (16.6%)
Fantasy/Sci-fi: 6 (50%)
Historical: 1 (8.4%)
Mystery: 2 (16.6%)
Literary: 1 (8.4%)

0-150: 0
150-250: 1 (8.4%)
250-350: 3 (25%)
350-500: 7 (58.2%)
>500: 1 (8.4%)

Reading Goals Update!
Goodreads goal: 30/25 books - It's a really good thing that I met my goal last quarter because I only physically read three books. Oh well, I made my goal and I'm super happy about it! (Goodreads counts all the books toward my goal, but I'm only counting books I physically read, which is why this count is different from my official Goodreads count.)

Finish the Series: 8/8 series - Yay! I did it! I am pretty proud of myself to reaching this goal. I read eight series (duologies count), they weren't necessarily the series I originally planned to finish. In fact, there were two that I started and finished this year.  I'm really pleased with this challenge.

Read it or Leave it: 3/21 books - Alright, y'all this was a miserable failure for this year. This just wasn't a priority for me as these were already books I wasn't super interested in reading in the first place.  I do know that I chose way too many books for this challenge, I think I should have limited it to ten for the year. As promised, I am going to go through this list and get rid of the ones that I really don't want to read. I'm sure there will be some I don't want to get rid of yet.

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