published: Delacorte Press, 2006
pages: 169
Matty is growing up and the village he now calls home is in danger. He used to be able to come and go as he pleased through the Forest surrounding the village, but the Forest seems to be changing its mind as of late. The villagers have been as well. Matty notices and Seer, Matty's surrogate father, is noticing too. Seer warns Matty about these changes but it's up to Matty to figure out what exactly is happening and what he should do about it.
Matty's role in this book is probably my favorite part of it. I absolutely love this character and could argue that he might be my favorite character for the entire series. His desire to help people has grown since we last saw him and it's very clear that he has change quite a bit. Matty is still every bit mischievous and inquisitive as before, but now he has some wisdom and purpose to go with it. He loves his role in the village as the messenger and the fact that the trees respect him.
There is a very strong political theme running throughout all of these books. Seeing it so plainly took away part of the magic of the story. I'm not a huge fan of blatant messages; I'd rather see something more subtle. The concept of the Trademaster and his market is very intriguing, but the obvious vehicle for politics. However, I do like the interactions between the Trademaster and the village people. It's interesting to see what people are willing to do for what they want.
I loved that we finally get to see what happened to Jonas and Gabe. It's no secret that they are alluded to in Gathering Blue, but it was nice to finally see them again as more active characters, to see what's become of them. And there is still much more room to grow for both of them, but Gabe specifically.
Hopefully, Lois Lowry's final installment will answer any questions that this book didn't. I look forward to reading it soon.
Stars: 4/5
"Lowry masterfully presents another thought-provoking, haunting tale in this third novel, a companion to The Giver and Gathering Blue."
--Publishers Weekly, starred review
"Lowry moves far beyong message, writing with a beautiful simplicity rooted in political fable, in warm domestic detail, and in a wild natural world, just on the edge of realism."
--Booklist, ALA, starred review
"Told in simple, evocative prose, this companion to The Giver and Gathering Blue can stand on its own as a powerful tale of great beauty."
-- Kirkus Review, starred
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