Harry Potter Moment of the Week hosted by Uncorked Thoughts.
Favorite Edition of the Books:
I grew up reading the American editions so naturally those are among my favorite editions. I'm partial to the hardback copies of these books. I've also always loved the English editions. The spines of the English editions are really cool. I love the solid blocks of color. I have to say though I really like the new paperback box set that came out this year. They are all very beautiful.

I gave a shout out to both the original US Scholastic editions AND the new 15th anniversary paperback editions in my post too! The original US ones are hard to beat because of the pretty colours and at this point they have sentimental value too. But man, those new ones? With the spines making up Hogwarts! They are just too pretty for words! I must own a set. Eventually... Awesome picks ^^