Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Bucket List

hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

I have a partial list today, but they are all good ones.

1. J.K. Rowling - This is probably on many people's lists, but I would absolutely love to meet her.  She is one of the major reasons I love reading and writing and to tell her so in person would be so cool!

2. Book Conventions - I've never been to a book conference or convention, but I would absolutely love to go to one like YALLFest or  BEA.  It would be so cool to be somewhere where there are hundreds of other who love books just as much as I do.

3. LeakyCon - I've wanted to go to LeakyCon since it's inception but I was too young and then not able for various reasons. There are so many cool aspects of it now that I absolutely must go.

4. Teenreads's Ultimate Reading List - I started this list in high school and now I'm determined to finish it.  It has over 500 books on it and it's been overhauled a couple of times, but I will finish the list one of these days.

5. John Green - He is someone that I admire greatly as an author and a human being.  It would be so cool to meet and interact with him.

6. Classics - As someone who loves literature, I feel like it's my duty to read "the classics" ei Bronte, Austen, Dumas, Hugo, Shakespeare, Doyle, Joyce, Twain, Verne... More than my duty really, I actually want to read these books.

7. Publish - I'm going to publish a book one of these days.  I've written a couple, but now I want to go to the next step and get published.

8. Library - I want to own a house with a library, but just any library.  I have an idea in my head and it would amazing if it came to existence in my home, secret room and all.


  1. I'd really like to meet John Green as well. He's so smart and he always seem to have something interesting to say. Great list! :)

  2. I have never heard of LeakyCon, I will have to check it out!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. I want to meet John Green too!! He is so awesome! :) :) Great list! :)

  4. I'm working on the classics, too! There's a great Classics Club Challenge that's open-ended (you pick the number of books and time it will take you) and it's a great reminder to pick them up sometimes. I love how this is a Top Ten Tuesday. You may want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List at http://www.thebookwheelblog.com/50-bookishthings/, too!
