Published: Feiwel and Friends
Pages: 550
Cinder and the gang are still running from the law both on Earth and Luna. When they come in contact with a young lunar shell named Cress who has spent the last seven years cooped up in a satellite, they decide that she might make a valuable ally. However, when things don't go as planned in the rescue, it is up to Cinder to pull everyone back together. Meanwhile, Cress must come to terms with the idea that she might not live long enough to make a difference in the fight for good.
The thing about this book is that the momentum never quits. There is never a moment in the book where I felt like it was a good place to put the book down for a while. I just wanted to keep reading the entire time. I needed to find out what happened next. It was time for events to converge and people to interact and butts to be kicked. This roller coaster of a book kept me guessing who would come out on top and at what costs.
I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again. I love fairy tale retellings and I find it particularly impressive when they are linked. Marissa Meyer has done it again. She tells the story of Rapunzel in a unique and interesting way that has me thinking more complexly about the characters. She weaves this story seamlessly with the other stories in this genuinely incredible world she has created.
The further we dig into this world, the more learn about it's crazy cast of characters. Cinder is honing her gift and Thorne shows a more compassionate side. Wolf and Scarlet are as feisty as ever and Dr. Erland discovers more about the plague. Kai shows his true feelings about being engaged to the lunar queen. And we meet a lovely addition, Cress, who happens to be incredibly gifted with hacking and dismantling technology. All of these attributes are just the tip of the iceberg in the book. I'm in love.
I really have no complaints about this book other than I have to wait for the conclusion! Bravo Marissa Meyer, you have me under your spell. I cannot wait to see what the finale holds.
Stars: 5/5
"Once again, Meyer offers up a science fiction fantasy page-turner that salutes women's intelligence and empowerment...Old and new romance, unfinished story lines, and the prognostication of wartime horrors all pave the way for Meyer's much anticipated next installment."
"This multilayered, action-packed page-turner is sure to please series fans."
--The Horn Book
"Meyer continues to show off her storytelling prowess, keeping readers engaged in a wide cast of characters while unfolding a layered plot that involves warring governments and a fast-spreading plague. The momentum Meyer built in the first two books continues to accelerate as the stakes grow higher for Cinder and her friends. The next installment cannot come fast enough."
--Publishers Weekly, starred review
This is a 2014 Eclectic Reader Challenge book!
Stars: 5/5
"Once again, Meyer offers up a science fiction fantasy page-turner that salutes women's intelligence and empowerment...Old and new romance, unfinished story lines, and the prognostication of wartime horrors all pave the way for Meyer's much anticipated next installment."
"This multilayered, action-packed page-turner is sure to please series fans."
--The Horn Book
"Meyer continues to show off her storytelling prowess, keeping readers engaged in a wide cast of characters while unfolding a layered plot that involves warring governments and a fast-spreading plague. The momentum Meyer built in the first two books continues to accelerate as the stakes grow higher for Cinder and her friends. The next installment cannot come fast enough."
--Publishers Weekly, starred review
This is a 2014 Eclectic Reader Challenge book!
I LOVE fairy tales too. They are my favorite thing to read :) This is one of the best series when it comes to retellings. I agree that this book is not easy to put down. I just felt like reading and reading and reading.