Saturday, August 12, 2017

#TheReadingQuest TBR

It's time to go on an adventure... book style.

I came across #TheReadingQuest last week and I have fallen in love with the idea of it! It's like a video game or RPG. You get to choose a character and read books according to their quest, plus there are side quests too. You earn experience points for the books you read, bonus if they are written by marginalized authors. Aentee at Read at Midnight created this quest, go check out her sign up page for all the details.

#TheReadingQuest runs from August 13 - September 10. It's a four week reading challenge! It'll be some much more doable than a weekly read-a-thon. I'll probably do some update posts during challenge as well.

I'm not going to lie, it was difficult picking a character path, however, I've decided to take on Mage's quest.  And if I finish that path I'm going to move onto either the Knight or the Bard.  I'm not going to make that decision until I come to it.

MAGE: As wielders of  spells and witchcraft, these players will conjure and summon their way through the first down path on the quest. Their tomes contain magic and whispers of alternate lands.

I will be starting at the bottom left side of the bingo card and make my way through the challenges. I'm not sure if I'll do them in order, but I will definitely finish all five before moving on to the next character path. I will be completing side challenges as I go along; there are a couple of them that I definitely won't do but the rest are up for grabs.

Here's my tentative TBR for the Mage as well as the Knight and Bard. BUT I obviously reserve the right to change books at my leisure (because let's face it, I love making TBRs and I love breaking them too!)

Mage Quest:
A book with a one word title: S by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst / Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith 
A book that contains magic: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
A book based on mythology: The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater
A book set in a different world: On The Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher
The first book in a series: Taken by Erin Bowman 

Knight Quest:
The first book in a series: Taken by Erin Bowman 
A book with a verb in its title: Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill
A book with a weapon on its cover: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
A book with a red cover: This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
A book that has a TV/movie adaptation: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon / Howl's Moving Castle by Diana  Wynne Jones 

Bard Quest:
A book that has a TV/movie adaptation: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon / Howl's Moving Castle by Diana  Wynne Jones
A fairy tale retelling: Heartless by Marissa Meyer
A book cover with striking typography: Not if I See You First by Eric Lindstrom
A book translated from another language: Brit Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman
A banned book: The Handmaid's Tae by Margaret Atwood

Side Quests:
Potions: a book concocted by 2+ authors: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows
Expansion: read a companion novel or a short story: The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J Maas
Mini-Game: read a graphic novel, novella or poem collection: Lumberjanes Vol. 3: A Terrible Idea 
Animal companion: book referencing an animal in the title: Wolf by Wolf Ryan Graudin
Open World: read whatever you want: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Grind: a book with 500+ pages
Multiplayer: buddy read a book
The Warp: a book set in either the past or the future
Respawn: read a book you previously DNF

Happy reading everyone!


  1. This is such a cute challenge! I love the idea of questing for reading goals :D If I wasn't in such a reading slump I'd sign up now. Good luck Alex!!

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure how well I'll do, but it was just too awesome to pass up.
