Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Things that Make Me Pick Up a Book

The Top Ten Tuesday has a new home. It's hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

In no particular order:

1. Cover Color - They say never judge a book by its cover, and I believe that but not for books. I love a beautiful cover and to be honest I'm more like to pick up a cover that's attractive to me. I love greens and blues and yellows.

2. One or Two Word Titles - One and Two word titles tend to pack a punch, makes me want to find out more about the book. I'm more likely to read the synopsis of these

3. Author - If it's an author I really enjoy, It's not out of the ordinary for me to pick up their other books without even knowing what they're about.

3. Typography - There is nothing more eye-catching to me than typography or hand lettering. I love this kind of artwork. If a book has it on the cover, I will almost always pick it up to find out more.

4. Booktube Hype - I have a select few booktubers that I watch regularly. I feel like our book likes are very similar, so when they really enjoy a book, it makes me want to pick up that book.

5. Friend Recommendation - While I do enjoy booktube recommendations, a friend's recommendation carries much more weight for me. When they're excited about a book, it makes me want to try it even if it's something I wouldn't necessarily pick for myself.


  1. Great list! Yes, I love books that have yellow on the cover and I'm always drawn more towards books with beautiful typography, too.

  2. OOh nice list! Gotta admit after seeing other posts, I am agreeing with the 1 or 2 worded title! Those pack a punch moreso than the 3 worded ones that I tend to read! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
